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G.O.A.L.S Homeschool Visit

On May17th, we welcomed students, parents and the teacher from 'Get Out And Learn Something' faith-based Hybrid Homeschool to the farm for a fun and educational experience.

Everyone got the opportunity to get hands-on with the goats and some of the poultry and our bottle baby goat Holly was thrilled to have so many new shoelaces to nibble on.

Rachel demonstrated how we milk the goats; Charlotte was happy to oblige, soaking up all the attention and eating a extra big helping of sweet grain.

I used the 'Egg Scale' to demonstrate how not just size, but the viscosity of an egg effects its weight.

And finally, everyone got the opportunity to plant a few seeds to take away and watch grow.

I don't know who had more fun. the kids or me, but we all agreed we all want to do this again!

You can find out more information about G.O.A.L.S Homeschool you can Call Rachel on: 269-214-6186.


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