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Julie feeding the pigs


We've got pigs! In May 2023, we welcomed our

very first pigs to the farm.

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In May 2023, we welcomed four Gloucestershire Old Spot / Hereford cross piglets. Two girls named Penelope and Petunia, and two boys named Bacon and Bits.They were so small we had to line the inside of their run with chicken wire.


Well they didn’t stay small for long and within six months Bacon and Bits were ready for processing. There is definitely something to be said about homegrown, humanly raised meat.


We had hoped to breed Penelope and Petunia and 2024, but are still waiting for a Farrowing Hut to arrive. Hopefully the first half of 2025.


These gentle giants enjoy a good Christmas tree, apples,

Watermelons….well let’s be honest the only thing we’ve found that they don’t enjoy is green bell peppers. 


They’ve become quite a favorite with visitors. In part because of their large size, and in part because of their easy going and friendly natures. You’ll often see some of the chickens in the pen with them.

pig in the mud
One of the pigs
Julie feeding the pigs
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