- Since 2021 -


Welcome to the homepage of 2Chicks and a Farm. Our goal here is to provide you with the most up to date information on all the services and projects on the farm. If you have any questions about any of our services or projects, please submit a ‘Contact Form’ and we will respond shortly.

As a new farm, the services, and products we are offering, are a work in progress. We spent this past spring and summer developing the infrastructure and livestock to form a solid foundation for all the exciting things to come. This included adding an extra poultry coop, indoor goat stalls, a raised garden bed vegetable garden and herb wall, a Flow-Hive Beehive, over 40 new chickens and a dozen additional ducks, and two Great Pyrenees puppies who are Livestock Guardian Dogs in training.
Click on each of the title boxes below for the latest information including availability and pricing: